EarthLink Email Settings For Mac, Android & Outlook

If you have been using EarthLink email service then you will be glad to know that you can use this service on outlook, android and apple devices. The thing to note is that the settings vary slightly depending on the device or third party client that you use.

We will first take a look at EarthLink settings for Mac.

The Earthlink settings are fairly straight forward and will work on devices that have ios 9 or more installed on them.

  • Go to the Settings tab.
  • Now you will have to scroll down a bit and choose ‘Mail, Contacts and Calendars’
  • Navigate to ‘add account’
  • Next click on ‘Other’
  • Look for ‘Add Mail Account’ and enter the following information:-

    Enter your full name
    Now key in your EarthLink email address
    Enter the password that you use for the said email address
    Put “Earthlink” if there is any description required.
  • For ‘Incoming Mail server, choose POP3 and key in the following information.

    Hostname should be
    Your email id should be used as username
    Your email password will be used as your password here.
  • For Outgoing server settings, scroll down and enter the following information:- will be used as the default hostname.
Your EarthLink email id and password will be used as the default Outgoing Server settings

Click on Save and in the next screen, you will have to choose your EarthLink email.

Earthlink Main Server Setting should be

  • SSL should be SSL.
  • 587 should be the server port number.
    Restart your computer and EarthLink will now be operational on your mac computer.

EarthLink Email Settings for Android phones and devices:-

  • Go to your email application
  • Choose Settings
  • Click on ‘Add new mail’
  • Select your EarthLink account.
  • Now, select POP3
  • Now enter you email id and password.
  • Select Manual Set up
  • In the Incoming Settings screen, enter the following details:-
    Your Full Username
    Password of your email id should be entered in the Incoming server
    Port Value should be 995
    Security type should be SSL
  • Click on Next
  • For Outgoing settings enter the following should be entered in ‘Outgoing Server’
    The value should reflect 587
    Enter Yes for ‘Authorisation required’
  • Click on Next
  • Enter your preference
  • Give your account a name

Congratulations, you have successfully set up your EarthLink android account.

EarthLink Email Settings For Outlook

  • Open Outlook
  • Click on ‘File’
  • Go to ‘Account Settings’
  • Switch the settings to ‘ON’
  • Click Next
  • Choose ‘Internet email Address’ and enter your EarthLink email address and your name.
  • Go to ‘Account Type’
  • Choose POP3
    Enter the following information
    Incoming email should be
    Port Value should be 995
    Click On Save
  • Enter your Login Information
  • Click On ‘Test account settings’
  • If everything checks out then you have successfully configured your Outlook with EarthLink

Congratulations, you have successfully set up your Earthlink Email on Outlook. If still, you are not able to set up your Earthlink Email, you can chat with email experts.