An AT&T email setting regarding the latest version of Microsoft Outlook 2016 comes with recently updated settings. The steps are simple to follow and are in sequence form: -
Your auto set up for MS Outlook 2016 has been taken place you can go through step by step procedure for complete setup updating.
General Settings For POP3
Use the following type of encrypted connection is none
NOTE – If you have secured port and SSL and TLS settings, check the server requires a secure connection for both Incoming and Outgoing Calls.
General Port Settings Sor ATT.NET
Outgoing (SMTP) Secure- Port 465 and security type: SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates)
Outgoing security Port for roaming server: Secure Port 587 and secure type (SSL/TLS) (Accept all Certificates)
Outgoing SMTP roaming server
Insecure Port: 587 and Security Type is none (Accept all certificates)
Now moving further you are needed to add all the email details -
The screen will display now account options with IMAP (POP)
Here are the basic steps for server settings
Enter below incoming and outgoing details
Incoming mail: You can choose go to IMAP and POP settings from the below Email settings .
POP port settings for ATT.NET
Incoming Port: 100, Outgoing port 462
General Settings for POP
1) Secure Port: 995 and Secure type SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates)
2) Insecure –Port 10 and secure type none (Accept all certificates)
Not clicked: This server requires encrypted connection (SSL)
Use the following type of encrypted connection is none
General Settings for POP
!) Secure Port: 995 and Secure Type SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates)
2) Insecure Port: 110 and secure type is none
IMAP port settings for ATT.NET
Incoming Port: 143 and Outgoing Port: 465
Secure Port 993 and secure type SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates)
Insecure Port: 143 and secure type is none
Not clicked: This server requires encrypted connection
Use the following type of encrypted connection is none
Note: If you use SSL/TLs settings, check “this server requires secure connection” (SSL) for box in both outgoing and incoming calls.
If you have followed all of the steps mentioned earlier correctly, then you will face no issues while using the ATT email service on Outlook. The automatic settings should work for most versions of Outlook. In case you are facing problems, please feel free to reach out to us.